Monday 9 January 2017

well, it's been 5 years since we've been in Bend, Oregon.  It's POURING down snow right now and i'm cold.
After spending 3 wonderful weeks as a vagabond family in Kenya in December (our first trip back together), I'm ready to go again.
Our house is jammed full of stuff we don't need or use, our life is cluttered and busy here in-spite of constantly going against culture......
so many things to do, so many dreams....  I've got to start by UN cluttering this house.  I want to live out of a suitcase forever.

Friday 3 June 2011


June! In the USA it's getting to feel like summer, but here it's gray and chilly. Yes, it is chilly in Africa. I think the gray has settled in for the next 3 months. One thing nice about this time of year here is that the grass is green and looks lovely. We just had our 2 acres cut and it smells nice and looks terriffic.
There is also a new frozen yogurt shop here. Planet Yogurt. It's great! I

t's been the high light of our empty days of waiting.
35 more days until the mass migration of the Wrights :) hopefully that's not 35 days of frozen yogurt, because i'll arrive in the USA sure looking plump if that's the case!